The Swiss Vault File System (SVFS) is a breakthrough active archiving software that enables a quantum leap in data storage resiliency, while dramatically reducing capital expenditures and total cost of ownership. SVFS provides the ability to store more data in less space on Premises, as an alternative to the Cloud or in tandem with the Cloud, using less hardware, for 100 years at lower cost.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have changed the game making data a mission critical asset more than ever. It must be secure, carefully stored, in some cases for 100 years, mined and accessible at a moments notice. It’s a costly proposition and challenges the “Cloud First” strategies of organizations. Swiss Vault has reimagined data storage to achieve higher energy efficiency and lower space per Petabyte of data compared to conventional solutions. Its servers are rack-compatible, modular and durable which reduces maintenance costs, electronic waste and carbon footprint.
Changing the way data centers operate and store data isn’t easy. Companies get caught up in doing the same things over and over, until a new innovation comes along. The early adopters are the first to notice and recognize the disruptive capability of technologies first. Others tend to follow as the news of the technology spreads. This is currently happening with immersion cooling. Swiss Vault, now exiting stealth mode, is destined to be a data storage disrupter. Our mission: To provide organizations with technology that combines hardware and software solutions for better, economical, resilient and environmentally sustainable data management for 100 years.